Monday, February 21, 2011

Attorneys Use Social Networking Sites To Vet Their Jurors, Even Clatsop County

By ANA CAMPOY And ASHBY JONES - Wall Street Journal
Facebook is increasingly being used in courts to decide who is—and who isn't—suitable to serve on a jury, the latest way in which the social-networking site is altering the U.S. court system.

Prosecution and defense lawyers are scouring the site for personal details about members of the jury pool that could signal which side they might sympathize with during a trial. They consider what potential jurors watch on television, their interests and hobbies, and how religious they are.

Josh Marquis, district attorney of Clatsop County in Oregon, did background searches on Facebook to help pick a jury for a penalty trial last summer to determine if a convicted murderer should get the death penalty. He was looking for clues on how potential jurors might feel about the defendant, a man who killed a couple as a teenager in 1988. The jury imposed the death penalty......Read Full Article


Anonymous said...

the sooner Marquis retires from public life the better. Nobody likes that little publicity hound. He's considered a joke by the Oregon Bar.

Patrick McGee said...

"Anonymous said...
the sooner Marquis retires from public life the better. Nobody likes that little publicity hound. He's considered a joke by the Oregon Bar.
11:48 PM"

Says who with the Oregon Bar and where can you show substantiation that is true?

Anonymous said...

tslk to any lawyer-local or otherwise, and they all agree of the low esteem Marquis is held in.

John said...

Yeah, that's why this happened:

You can write off the fact his fellow DAs have voted him president of their state association, then their representative to the national DAs and then that the national DAs named him their international rep by claiming that all DAs are evil and corrrupt.

Party on.

Patrick McGee said...

"Anonymous said...
tslk to any lawyer-local or otherwise, and they all agree of the low esteem Marquis is held in.
7:06 AM"

Name one specifically.

Anonymous said...

Why should a guy who considers himself a Face, not use Face Book for all kinds of things. Maybe he uses Face Book to keep track of you.

Patrick McGee said...

"Anonymous said...
Why should a guy who considers himself a Face, not use Face Book for all kinds of things. Maybe he uses Face Book to keep track of you."

Maybe some of us use Facebook to keep track of Marquis, you, whomever.

Isn't that, in essence, what it is used for in Social Networking?

Anonymous said...

And just when I though Marquis was a serious elected public official he begins to use a social networking machine to select people who vote to imprison people and even put them to death. Maybe he should just visit an elementary school and let the kids select the jury, or perhaps skip the jury part and let the kids decide the case.