Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 11, 2007 - County Planning Staff Recommendations On Bradwood

County Planning Staff Recommendations On Bradwood

STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OCTOBER 15, 2007 The staff recommends that the county board of commissioners take the following three actions:

And, Obviously, To Hell With A Professional Planning Staff's Wisdom 3-4 Times In A Row, We'll Show These Peons Who's In Charge Here!....Sniff!...What's That Smell?

Excerpted from The Daily Astorian - December 13, 2007

"By a vote of 3-2, with commissioners Patricia Roberts and Sam Patrick against, the board agreed that the Bradwood LNG project, proposed for a site 20 miles east of Astoria on the Columbia River, is "small- to medium-scale" as required by county land-use laws.

With Patrick dissenting, the board voted 4-1 to approve a request to change 46 acres in Clifton Channel from an Aquatic Conservation zone to Aquatic Development.

The board voted unanimously to approve changing 5.35 acres of wetlands at the proposed project site from an Aquatic Natural zone to Marine Industrial.

Roberts added a condition of approval requiring NorthernStar to swap an equivalent area of Marine Industrial zone land on the northwest corner of the site to Aquatic Natural to mitigate the impact to wetlands."

1. Based on the findings in our staff reports of June 28, 2007, and August 23, 2007, and in this report, Deny requests from Bradwood Landing to:
Issue a conditional use permit for dredging in the Aquatic Conservation 2 (AC-2) Zone in accordance with LWDUO2 3.788(9);
Re-zone 46.1 acres from AC-2 to Aquatic Development, amend the plan so as to change that area's designation under Goal 16 from “Conservation” to “Development,” and then allow dredging outright per LWDUO 3.744(10);
Re-zone 5.35 acres of wetlands from Aquatic Natural (AN) to Marine Industrial (MI)), and amend the plan so as to change that area's designation under Goal 16 from “Natural” to “Development”;
Find the proposed marine industrial development at Bradwood to be a small- to medium-sized development consistent with provisions in the Northeast Community Plan and the Bradwood Subarea Plan to limit the scale of development at Bradwood.
Amend the Northeast Community Plan and the Bradwood Subarea Plan to delete text specifying that industrial development at Bradwood is limited to small- to medium-sized marine industrial plants.
Find that the application complies with Statewide Planning Goal 16, Estuarine Resources.
Find that the application satisfies all applicable standards from the LWDUO and the Clatsop County Standards Document.

2. Accept Bradwood Landing’s request to withdraw elements of the consolidated application requesting permits for soil disposal on-site.

3. Based on the findings adopted by the planning commission on September 28, 2007, approve all elements of the consolidated application from Bradwood not mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, subject to all conditions recommended in the September 28 findings.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Saw It Coming And Still Took It For Granted!!!

Stupid!, Stupid!, Stupid!

Looking at the ominous satellite photo, from The Oregonian, at left and assuming, as usual, a couple hours of inconvenience?

Stupid!, Stupid!, Stupid!