GRP: A few sites down here were looked at favorably
by this foundation and will likely be back for more talks that could offer 30-plus jobs and a crapload of tourism and spin-off revenue. Should we be agressive in attracting this historic attraction here?A Brief History Of The USS Ranger
From the USS Ranger FoundationThe US Navy announced that the USS Ranger Foundation’s Phase I application for donation of the super-carrier ex-USS Ranger has been approved and moved the group into Phase two of the four-phase process.
Now the Work Begins!
The USS Ranger Museum is a privately funded project, with individual and corporate support, and therefore will not be utilizing City of Portland/Metro funding as a revenue base.
Phase two of the process has a 12 month timeline, during which the exact location of the museum complex will be finalized, environmental, marketing, business, neighborhood support and other studies will be completed and updated. Fund raising will increase, and national and international friends will be called upon to support the project.
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