So contending incumbent County Commissioner, Patricia Roberts says "She is holding LNG (NSNG's Bradwood Landing) Accountable" is it?
Well, let's see now...Measure 4-131, a careless misuse of zoning on a piece of property eyed by Bradwood Landing for their 36" high pressure pipeline but, zoned OPR (Open Land, Parks and Recreation) with the specific requirements of zone change dictated to her, Roberts, County Commission by Northern Star and complied with verbatim.
Hold LNG/Northern Star accountable she says? Well, with a 109 item list of issues to be mitigated before approval of a questionably legitimate application by our state, Roberts has no choice but to sit and check off every item as complete because final approval will not occur without these changes and questions satisfied.
And now, to find out Roberts has received $1000 in contributions, among others, from none other than Ken Leahy, a key player and financial interest holder in Brandwood Landing, LNG Transfer and Storage Terminal.
"Holding LNG Acoountable"....God one.