Thursday, November 08, 2007

LNG: "Sell It To Us, Lease It To Us Or Lose It To Us!"

Government Abetting Private Property Takings To The Benefit Of Private Industry?

"Sell it to us, lease it to us or lose it to us"

That was the choice Roger Thompson was faced with regarding his family's 132 year ownership of their property in Clatskanie and which just happend to be in the path of Spiro Vassilopoulos's(sp?) proposed "Port Westward LNG Transfer/Storage facility and ironically, in full support and abetted by "The Port of St. Helens".

Fate, Kharma, Destiny intervened in favor of the Thompsn's on that when PWLNG could not muster investors.

Now, with Oregon LNG and its V.P., former employee of now defunct and broke Calpine Energy Group and ex-Enron Clone, Peter Hansen at the helm a bunch of property owners could quite possibly be besieged with likely the same choices and arm twisting, once again abetted by Government as well to the benefit of this one "Private Corporation" bent on selling Natural Gas to California?

Hell! and this is on record, California's Lt. Governor, in a recent speech and I'm paraphrasing, said "California doesn't need to worry about extensive LNG development and speculation because we will get all the, LNG derived, Natural Gas we need from Oregon".

So now, all you property owners in the path of this, in my view, insurrection should be prepared for a, what is it 30" - 36" diammeter pipe, loaded with flowing Natural Gas through your property, whether you want it to or not then be prepared to lose a 125' - 150' wide right of way swathe across your property. Can you live with that?

How long you think it will take to get a good night's sleep?

For us on the coast down here, we'll just be living with the fact that in each one of these LNG Storage Tanks there's 7.6 Million Cubic Feet of boiling Liquefied Natural Gas at -260 degrees just waiting for an opportunity to escape, vaporize and blow a mile, mile and a half in any direction of us off the face of the earth while leaving many more brutally scarred and in terrible misery for the rest of their lives, should they survive but hey! that's just "Fear Mongering" on my part.

Who could have ever believed that someone could actually cammandeer a couple of passenger aircraft and fly them into "The World Trade Center Buildings" and cause them to collapse?

Who could have actually believed that someone could actually maneuver a passenger aircraft through all the security of the mightiest military in the world, to some, and crash it into the base of all that power, "The Pentagon"?

Can you imagine how ludicrous that concept would have registered?

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