Sunday, September 07, 2008

Blasts From The Past Or, How Prophetic History?

On Mar 22, 10:37 AM, Patrick McGee wrote:
(The Richard Lee Recall Vote Count)
64% For
36% Against

On Mar 22, 10:50 AM, THartill wrote:
Come now Patrick....
Richard could take a dump in the middle of the Guy Boyington building during a meeting and not be recalled by even close to that amount....there are just too many people that will support him no matter what.

Tryan Hartill January 7, 2008

There will be some major flooding during the first part of the year that will rival 1996.
The local housing market will weaken, but will be much stronger than the rest of the nation.
No Condos over the water will be built due to weak demand.
Building will continue around Astoria, but will slow inside the city limits.
Bradwood will be totally approved and will start construction in late 2008.
Oregon LNG will continue to battle, but achieve very little success.
Mark Kujala will be elected Mayor of Warrenton in January and keep his seat on the Commission in November by a landslide.
Terry Ferguson will either step down or lose in November.
Frank Orrell will win a nail-bitter.
Pete Roscoe will keep his seat on the Astoria City Council.
Russ Warr will lose a close one.
The slide above Bond Street will start up again.
The City of Astoria will install a water turbine in late 2008 and will cost twice as much as estimated so it can be installed quickly before the rainy season.
The Astoria/Warrenton Gas tax will bring in 2/3 of what was estimated.
Vince Williams and a Anti-LNG/Pro Josh Marquis person will run against Patricia Roberts…with Vince coming in 3rd in May and Patricia barely beating the Anti-LNG/Pro Marquis person in November.
Sam Patrick will not run again and a Anti-LNG/Pro Marquis person will run against Cary Johnson and Cary will win with 52% of the vote in May.
A recall will be tried against Richard Lee and will fail 55-45%.
The D.A. will have his 2 Staff Positions cut…along with 4 positions in other Depts. And the County will invoke a pay freeze for every employee to make up for a $1,000,000+ in declining Timber and other revenues.
Astoria will lose in the finals in the 4A Baseball Playoffs.
The Trailblazers will get the 7th Playoff spot in the West and Greg Oden will be cleared to play the first Playoff game.
50% more locals will be reading the local websites by the end of 2008.
The Daily Astorian will raise its Newspaper rates and lower it’s web-subscription rates to try to get more readers online and lower overhead.
All local elected officials will unite to demand a by-pass….and will continue to be ignored by ODOT.
If you have other predictions…put them in the comments….

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