Friday, January 23, 2009

Ahhhhhh!!! Those Good Ole Port Secrets Raising Their Ugly Heads Again Perhaps?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Those nasty little secrets again.

"A committee of financial and development experts"?

With all that wisdom available to Port and they let, on the recommendation of CEDR, NOAA slip through our hands without much of an obvious whimper or a hard fight to sell this strategic site?

Are we sure CEDR isn't just there to keep the wagons circled up tight to make sure nobody gets a piece of the pie before they do?

It wouldn't hurt my feelings to be corrected with hard evidence that formal "Due Diligence" had been performed on this rare opportunity offered by NOAA but history at the Port, I would venture, at the least would likely prove out not one piece of hard copy would be found anywhere before we even looked at CEDR's file on this.

God! I hate to always be so cynical but, what now, those secret guests at a recent Port Commission Executive Session already made another off-radar, good buddy deal to make something happen at Tongue Point while the pickings are still good for yet more lateral movement of existing local businesses to leave, yet, another empty nuilding in their wake?


g said...

that keeps them from crying over spilt milk.

buying tongue point just aint right.

but your hero floyd needs the choo choo.

Patrick McGee said...

Awww, Floyd's using the old, "You need to be at the meetings to be considered valid" BS, as seems to be the standard retort at Port when they get criticism or their ass in a sling.(CRBA Forum)

How many times you use that one?

Go to the meeting to listen to Kathy Sanders whine about not be able to go to D.C.?

No thank you.

Buying Tongue Point?

You're damned right they should buy it.

Just hope they don't screw the pooch on it.

g said...

it's been my experience that 1/10th of 1 percent truth comes out of hunsingers mouth.

sorry but i have to pass on buying tp at this time. price is too high. no bird in hand, yada.

i could really care less. i've moved on to greener pastures. the port and clatsop county in general are in my rear view mirror.

it's almost like i've been born again. that fresh feeling.

politics? never again. it was a good experience at that time in my life.

at least i learned that it really doesn't matter and in the end, the successor will always fuck it up, new people will attempt to fix it, it will get fucked up again, new people will attempt to fix it, etc.

categorized as new shit, old shit.

and pardon all of my canadian language. i'm in week 2 of being a quitter and have developed a bad case of turrets.

Anonymous said...

...McGee you really must be out of your gourd on drugs or alcohol to actually post the following sentence and expect to be taken the least bit serious.

from the crba board:

[i][b]Astoria, Clatsop County and all key areas get the best coverage on public meetings I have ever seen by the instruments you love to play as loud and use as anybody else and that is Jeff Nelson and KAST-AM Radio and also The Daily Astorian does just as good a job so stop trying to make me or Don West or anybody else, who is still just as well informed appear to be any less significant in our right to express our views on the historic actyios of Port and other agencies.

--Patrick McGee


Patrick McGee said...

g said...

it's almost like i've been born again. that fresh feeling.

politics? never again. it was a good experience at that time in my life.

I know that feeling just from my couple of years on Astoria Historic Landmarks Commission.

Because of the autonomy inherent in that government, one is forced to conduct public buisness with a figurative sock stuck in his/her mouth or you won't play at all.

This and all else you get from me is the end product of that experience and I feel, however disillusioned I may be, I have made a difference in the way they approach their relationship with "The Citizens" the allegedly do the business of.

"G" not involved in future politics?

I can't see that.

Anonymous said...

Lets see if I have this right: we want governments, like the Port of Astoria, to operate like a private business. We have a good example of how private business operates now with the private banks that have been given billions of taxpayer dollars who won't tell the public (or Congress) how they have spent that money. But, we want the Port to be transparent in all its spending. Is this kind of schitzophrenia what makes America great?

Patrick McGee said...

Anonymous said...
Lets see if I have this right: we want governments, like the Port of Astoria, to operate like a private business. We have a good example of how private business operates now with the private banks that have been given billions of taxpayer dollars who won't tell the public (or Congress) how they have spent that money. But, we want the Port to be transparent in all its spending. Is this kind of schitzophrenia what makes America great?

Many in the communities in the Port of Astoria district would have agreed with the point that, under the leadership of Peter Gearin and a Commisiion, at the time that was tagged with being merely a rubber stamp for all gearin's socalled deals would have agreed that, that is exactly wher "The Port" was headed, directly as quickly as possible to being privatized and "The Port" itself becoming nothing more than a backfilled Business Park if not bankrupted before.

I don't see that so much anymore but, they are still struggling to drag themselves up out of the mud of failure and put that agency back into a direction of growth and serving those they represent.

Only two existing members on Gearin's Commission remain and new life was instilled by the addition of Floyd Holcom, at the abrupt resignation of Bernie Bjork, who, it appears firmly believes in serving the people and true transparency.

The future of this facility will be well worth following

Anonymous said...


I wonder what "G" can do now that his building and legacy at the Port is still weighting down the public asset with debt. Like the failure Bush, he has hamstrung the public with his republican brothern and nearly bankrupt the Port with questionable deals.

Its called feeding at the public trough and although "G" says he's on to greener pastures, I would like to see him at the public fence and feeding from a public jail cell like his other gang members. I don't think they have seen the last of the public condemnation and rumor of continued investigations of them should continud and be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

The public is glad to see him gone, I would hope. As a mother of 2, I can't afford to pay his debt off.