Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ORESTAR Campaign Finance Information On Clatsop County Recall Committees

Accountability for District 2 - ID # 13910 (Patricia Roberts)

Democracy in District 5 - ID #13863 (Ann Samueslon)

District 1 for the Columbia - ID #13953 (Jeff Hazen)

Friends of Ann - ID #10227
614149 = 10/01/2009 - Original - Friends of Ann (10227) - Plumbing & Mechanical Contractors Assoc. - Cash Contribution - $500.00

596645 - 08/22/2009 - Original - Friends of Ann(10227) - Ken Leahy - Cash Contribution - $220.00

Question: Contributions to V.O.C.A.(Victims of Criminal Acts) and C.A.S.A.(Court Appointed Special Advocate)? On this issue, is it appropriate or legal in Oregon (These are 12/2007 Transactions as Cash Expenditures/Contributions)

Question: $700(Transaction #'s 589097-589098) in contributions from Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters, S.S.F. a Construction Trades Union, I think already committed to or stand to gain contracts from Texas based energy speculator, Northern Star Natural Gas on the construction phase of the proposed Bradwood Landing LNG Terminal?

Is that legal, ethical or conflicting? (Transaction as a Contribution of 02/05/2008 and showing up 08/03/2009?)

07/31/2009 Amended Taxpayers Association of Oregon PAC (3889) Friends of Ann (10227 Cash Expenditure$150.00

Friends of Jeff - #13869
(This Transaction is not on Hazen's Campaign Finance Activity to date 08-09-2009 and leads to the question "When are you going to report this and other activity Jeff?)589828 07/31/2009 Amended Taxpayers Association of Oregon PAC (3889) Friends of Jeff (13869) Cash Expenditure$150.00

Committee to Elect Patricia Roberts - #12810

442190 - 10/10/2008 - Original - Committee to Elect Patricia Roberts (12810) - Ken Leahy
Cash Contribution - $1,000.00

Go To ORESTAR Search Page, Type In Committee ID# and hit "Submit" key


Anonymous said...

If you took the time to read and understand the laws of campaign finance, you would realize that it is perfectly legal to receive a contribution from any entity that chooses to give you a contribution. Get it together, shut the hell up and concentrate on something that is actually important. The Commissioners have just as much of a right to receive support as your side does, don't they? You don't see them posting stupid blogs about every bit of support that you get. This is a democracy after all isn't it? Aren't you always spouting off about that?

Patrick McGee said...

You know who Ken Leahy is "Anonym"?