Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Peacock: A Witness To Another Piece Of Our History And A Mechanical Ballet

The Peacock headed for its final resting place after 10 years in storage. What a piece of history to watch and what a ballet of all those involved for this new gateway feature to our fine city of Astoria.


Anonymous said...

When you say "our" in regard to this event about an old Pilot boat/history, what does it have to do with you? Is it part of your personal history? What does it have to do with you that you feel you have to insert yourself in it somehow? Cant you realize that people see you as someone who just moved here and has zero personal or family history with the pilots, or the river in general, yet tries to come off as some embedded spokesman. No wonder nobody visits this cyber rag, the owner has no credibility and some weird self serviing agenda

Patrick McGee said...

Well, I can see by your family name, "Anonymous", that you don't share much credibility around these parts either,except maybe to foster the perception that all the generations that helped build this community, even those that have just recently arrived were nameless and unaccountable too.

What a shame that you would presume to speak for those who rightfully desreve to be honored.

The Peacock? She was still working hard when I and my 3 generations moved here and is indeed a part of my history and certainly matters to me. How bout you "Anonym"? What matters to you?

Anonymous said...

my first memory of the pilot vessel Peacock was the old one which was made out of wood that was slower than slow- I remember when this one was brand new and I have friends some living and some not, who served on this recently retired one--I also remember fishing around the lightship when we still had one of those....but does it matter to me? Not really.

Patrick McGee said...

"Anonymous said...
my first memory of the pilot vessel Peacock was the old one which was made out of wood that was slower than slow- I remember when this one was brand new and I have friends some living and some not, who served on this recently retired one--I also remember fishing around the lightship when we still had one of those....but does it matter to me? Not really."

And thank you for being a bit more civil today.

I know quite a few just like you "Anonym", not afraid to use their name, by the way, that wish all would just go away but, I also know many here with names that go way back in their multi-generational lineage with the same sense of entitlement here that love and appreceiate this place as much as I do but welcome that new blood, new thought, creative ideas, good skills and courageous spirit because they know in their own hearts that is what built this place and will play a key part in its future.

For some, the old addage..."You can't see the forest for the trees" will always be in play, no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Who or what is an example of "new blood, new thought, creative ideas, good skills and courageous spirit"?

Patrick McGee said...

"Anonymous said...
Who or what is an example of "new blood, new thought, creative ideas, good skills and courageous spirit"?"

You can plug those in yourself "Anonym". Shouldn't be too difficult for you should it?

Patrick McGee said...

"Anonymous said...
Well, you're the one who should qualify it because you said it. You must have someone in mind, or are you just talking out your ass as usual?"

Well, I could "Anonym" but I am not going to waste one word of valid rhetoric clarifying a point to a "Nobody" who doesn't give a crap in the first place and if you've lived here any amount of time at all you would likely know most of them anyway so, as I said, plug them in for yourself.