A grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement) is one driven by the constituents of a community. GRP does not necessarily condone or support the issues presented here. "We demand that big business give the people a square deal; in return we must insist that when anyone engaged in big business honestly endeavors to do right he shall himself be given a square deal." Theodore Roosevelt November 15, 1913
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Obama Nominates Amanda Marshall For Oregon U.S. Attorney Spot
President Obama today nominated a lawyer for Oregon's Department of Justice as the state's top federal prosecutor and the sheriff of Lane County as its new U.S. marshal.
Marquis must get the word out to his 'base', via KMUN and The Daily Astorian, that Marshall is pro LNG. Then the redshirts and riverkeepers will demand her recall while Marquis stays in the shadows
One good thing is that Josh and his good friend and colleague Sheriff Tom Bergin can start dealing with the drug problem in Clatsop County. It is really time to do something and now would be a good time to start.
And jeopardize a whole corrections-justice industry in Clatsop County?
You have got to be kidding Grace.
Can you imagine how many public sector jobs would be at risk if Marquis and Bergin and accompanying agencies were to really get a grip on their cash cow, those poor saps they keep on the dole of probation and treament and repeat crimes and failure to appears and a running tab and no opportunity to work except work crew when they don't turn around and go back because everybody on the truck is holding drugs of some kind?
Yeah, all those jobs in the prison system...what dope YOU smoking? People dealing heroin and meth are actually getting busted. And BS programs where no-one was held accountable are being re-evaluated by the new county manager If you knew anything about Probation you'd know all Cora Lane cared about was collecting fees. Marquis and Bergin want people to actually clean up and start behaving, not just paying fines (that was the Lee/Derickson financial model) The GOB days are ending and the voters want Bergin and Marquis and they are here to stay. I seem to remember that Marquis days as DAs were "numbered" 3, 2, and one year ago according to Carrie and her two friends eight alter egos. Why so few undervotes if he is so hated?
Bergin and Marquis must certainly be operating under the radar if their goal is for people to start behaving and bust people dealing heroin and meth. You sure can't read about it the paper or hear it in the radio. When was the last drug bust by Bergin's task force? Why do the people that get busted, mostly by police agencies and OSP, get back on the street within hours of arrest to start dealing dope again? Bergin and Marquis have their jobs because no one cares enough to run against them. Unfortunately, they will likely keep their jobs until they are caught doing something illegal. But, that is no reason to say they are doing their jobs well when they are just coming to work, getting their paychecks, going home (and, in Josh's case, chasing cameras). Support Bergin and Marquis? Let's have some facts.
In the same light Ch......Grace, present the facts that they are not doing exactly what they were elected to do.
I say they are and have been since elected with Marquis going into his, what is it, 4th term but, I would be intersted in hearing your factual evidence to the contrary.
No, Patrick, you are correct. Elected officials, expecially Bergin and Marquis, are not elected to do anything. Their campaign promises are quickly forgotten and they are then not required to do anything. So, the sum is elected officials are elected because they get people to vote for them, period. Indeed, elected officials who do something are usually subjected to criticism for their work. Bergin and Marquis do not want criticism and so they have done exactly what they were elected to do: nothing. Thanks for clarifying this situation.
So "Anonym Grace" let's approach this another way before we turn this into an "NCO" debate, tell us exactly what it is Marquis and Bergin, in your opinion, are not doing and what it is you would expect them to do.
Clearly you do not live here and your inference that the citizens of Clatsop County are a bunch of spineless lemmings unwilling to, challenge Marquis or Bergin if need be are baseless and a pompus assumption, in my view.
Still, what is it you feel these two public officials should be doing to satisfy your standard.
As it is with all of us, it is easier to criticize than offer solutions or fact to the inferred cause...."It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat"......Theodore Roosevelt, April 23, 1910
Patrick, I think you have an excellent idea. Sorry my last two attempts at responding could not pass through your character limit. I will try to be more suscinct and write in parts. I expect the Sheriff to lead law enforcement efforts in the county. That is the main reason for an elected sheriff. Yet, where was the sheriff during the recent media blitz on domestic violence? Not marching with the other chiefs. Not making news releases on the importance of this effort. Not supporting Pat Burness. Not doing anything. I expect the sheriff to write weekly articles in the paper explaining what is happening in the county from a law enforcement perspective and to be on the radio describing the weekly drug bust. I expect the sheriff to not support dumping valuable projects like Emergency Management and the Transition Center without explaining in detail why. If the sheriff is truly interested in drug enforcement, I expect his drug unit to regularly make cases and for him to arrange with the DA and judges for the defendants to have high bails of stay in jail, rather than a couple minor cases a year with the defendants on the street an hour after they are arrested. More soon...
I think Josh needs to get rid of the perception that he spends more time chasing the media than running his office. He should reconcile his problems with the county commission so it does not appear that he fights with them at every turn. He should get his office in shape so criminals are prosecuted and decent sentences rendered before he attacks another community with unprovable allegations of corruption. I expect that when his office issues a report on another agency, that report is dead bang accurate. I expect him and the sheriff to either really get after drug offenders or shut up about it. more...
I do live here and I don't think we are lemmings. I do think we do not pay enough attention to law enforcement and just let things go by that should not happen. Now, I do realize that no one wants to be sheriff. Who would want to sit around all day in a grubby little office, in a grubby little building trying the get the unskilled people you hired to do something besides driving around burning up gas, fighting with everyone and trying to avoid going to meetings where questions are asked that you cannot answer?
What local lawyer would want to be DA? They would lose money and, according to the current example, have to fight with the commission, other lawyers, the cops, their employees and the citizens while constantly trying to get a better job. It's no wonder no one else runs for these positions. However, not all sheriffs and all DAs are like this. If we pay attention and demand a good job all the time of our two elected law enforcement officials, maybe we can get good people to run and really have an election every four years. And, yes, I am very familiar with Teddy's quoted comments. But, have you read how much he criticized while in his many public offices? A lot. How's that for a start?
And, by the way Patrick, you might want to notice that Teddy's quote is directed at the strong man who dares greatly, strives valiantly and actually tries to do the deeds. Were Marquis and Bergin actually doing this and failing, the situation would be different. However, Teddy did not say don't critize the man who does nothing and that is what is going on here.
All, "Grace", valid and respectfully submitted points.
Too bad those points and absolutely no disrespect intended, will mean nothing in the "Public Debate" if you are unwilling to stand behind them, under your own, verifiable name, as a concerned member and stakeholder of the community.
Maybe D.A. Marquis and Sheriff Bergin will, themselves, respond to your points but, why should they?
"Grace said... And, by the way Patrick, you might want to notice that Teddy's quote is directed at the strong man who dares greatly, strives valiantly and actually tries to do the deeds. Were Marquis and Bergin actually doing this and failing, the situation would be different. However, Teddy did not say don't critize the man who does nothing and that is what is going on here."
Fact is "Grace" they are in the arena as is/was Ann Samuelson, Richard Lee, Jeff Hazen, Sam Patrick, Willis Van Dusen and all the rest and deserve a degree of respect because, good or bad, they are/were willing to be there and as to what they do or did is purely of the opinion and truth of the individual judging them but, as always, the true judge will be the facts and history...Right?
Patrick, I think you are right in part. Our two elected law enforcement leaders don't have to respond to questions and there is no reason they should. They cannot respond to statements like mine without seeming silly and, since they are elected for as long as they wish to serve here in Clatsop County, there is no reason why they should expose themselves. With respect to comparisons to Roosevelt's quote, neither Bergin nor Marquis are in that arena. Read a bit more and you will learn that Teddy believed officials should stick their necks out to do good, not just take the job. Bergin and Marquis, just took the job. You are right, however, that Teddy's quote applies to VanDusen, Samuelson, Lee, Hazen and Patrick. These good people tried to do something and in some cases failed. What, please, have Marquis and Bergin done to earn the respect of failure? As far as history is concerned: not here. Perhaps in New York, Seattle and so forth politicians create history. Here, they just become names in Cumtux, good or bad.
Staggering isn't it, Marshall could be Cindy Price's younger sister.
He bet so much on this, what is Josh going to do now? Does this mean we will be stuck with him for now and evermore?
Marquis will still be doing what he was elected to do by the citizens of Clatsop County till January, 2015.
Good one Tom but, darned if it doesn't appear to be just that.
Marquis must get the word out to his 'base', via KMUN and The Daily Astorian, that Marshall is pro LNG. Then the redshirts and riverkeepers will demand her recall while Marquis stays in the shadows
Well "Anonym", her job's safe until 2012, at least.
And then?
One good thing is that Josh and his good friend and colleague Sheriff Tom Bergin can start dealing with the drug problem in Clatsop County. It is really time to do something and now would be a good time to start.
And jeopardize a whole corrections-justice industry in Clatsop County?
You have got to be kidding Grace.
Can you imagine how many public sector jobs would be at risk if Marquis and Bergin and accompanying agencies were to really get a grip on their cash cow, those poor saps they keep on the dole of probation and treament and repeat crimes and failure to appears and a running tab and no opportunity to work except work crew when they don't turn around and go back because everybody on the truck is holding drugs of some kind?
Yeah, all those jobs in the prison system...what dope YOU smoking?
People dealing heroin and meth are actually getting busted.
And BS programs where no-one was held accountable are being re-evaluated by the new county manager
If you knew anything about Probation you'd know all Cora Lane cared about was collecting fees.
Marquis and Bergin want people to actually clean up and start behaving, not just paying fines (that was the Lee/Derickson financial model)
The GOB days are ending and the voters want Bergin and Marquis and they are here to stay.
I seem to remember that Marquis days as DAs were "numbered" 3, 2, and one year ago according to Carrie and her two friends eight alter egos.
Why so few undervotes if he is so hated?
Bergin and Marquis must certainly be operating under the radar if their goal is for people to start behaving and bust people dealing heroin and meth. You sure can't read about it the paper or hear it in the radio. When was the last drug bust by Bergin's task force? Why do the people that get busted, mostly by police agencies and OSP, get back on the street within hours of arrest to start dealing dope again? Bergin and Marquis have their jobs because no one cares enough to run against them. Unfortunately, they will likely keep their jobs until they are caught doing something illegal. But, that is no reason to say they are doing their jobs well when they are just coming to work, getting their paychecks, going home (and, in Josh's case, chasing cameras). Support Bergin and Marquis? Let's have some facts.
In the same light Ch......Grace, present the facts that they are not doing exactly what they were elected to do.
I say they are and have been since elected with Marquis going into his, what is it, 4th term but, I would be intersted in hearing your factual evidence to the contrary.
No, Patrick, you are correct. Elected officials, expecially Bergin and Marquis, are not elected to do anything. Their campaign promises are quickly forgotten and they are then not required to do anything. So, the sum is elected officials are elected because they get people to vote for them, period. Indeed, elected officials who do something are usually subjected to criticism for their work. Bergin and Marquis do not want criticism and so they have done exactly what they were elected to do: nothing. Thanks for clarifying this situation.
So "Anonym Grace" let's approach this another way before we turn this into an "NCO" debate, tell us exactly what it is Marquis and Bergin, in your opinion, are not doing and what it is you would expect them to do.
Clearly you do not live here and your inference that the citizens of Clatsop County are a bunch of spineless lemmings unwilling to, challenge Marquis or Bergin if need be are baseless and a pompus assumption, in my view.
Still, what is it you feel these two public officials should be doing to satisfy your standard.
As it is with all of us, it is easier to criticize than offer solutions or fact to the inferred cause...."It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat"......Theodore Roosevelt, April 23, 1910
Patrick, I think you have an excellent idea. Sorry my last two attempts at responding could not pass through your character limit. I will try to be more suscinct and write in parts.
I expect the Sheriff to lead law enforcement efforts in the county. That is the main reason for an elected sheriff. Yet, where was the sheriff during the recent media blitz on domestic violence? Not marching with the other chiefs. Not making news releases on the importance of this effort. Not supporting Pat Burness. Not doing anything. I expect the sheriff to write weekly articles in the paper explaining what is happening in the county from a law enforcement perspective and to be on the radio describing the weekly drug bust. I expect the sheriff to not support dumping valuable projects like Emergency Management and the Transition Center without explaining in detail why. If the sheriff is truly interested in drug enforcement, I expect his drug unit to regularly make cases and for him to arrange with the DA and judges for the defendants to have high bails of stay in jail, rather than a couple minor cases a year with the defendants on the street an hour after they are arrested.
More soon...
I think Josh needs to get rid of the perception that he spends more time chasing the media than running his office. He should reconcile his problems with the county commission so it does not appear that he fights with them at every turn. He should get his office in shape so criminals are prosecuted and decent sentences rendered before he attacks another community with unprovable allegations of corruption. I expect that when his office issues a report on another agency, that report is dead bang accurate. I expect him and the sheriff to either really get after drug offenders or shut up about it.
I do live here and I don't think we are lemmings. I do think we do not pay enough attention to law enforcement and just let things go by that should not happen.
Now, I do realize that no one wants to be sheriff. Who would want to sit around all day in a grubby little office, in a grubby little building trying the get the unskilled people you hired to do something besides driving around burning up gas, fighting with everyone and trying to avoid going to meetings where questions are asked that you cannot answer?
What local lawyer would want to be DA? They would lose money and, according to the current example, have to fight with the commission, other lawyers, the cops, their employees and the citizens while constantly trying to get a better job.
It's no wonder no one else runs for these positions.
However, not all sheriffs and all DAs are like this. If we pay attention and demand a good job all the time of our two elected law enforcement officials, maybe we can get good people to run and really have an election every four years.
And, yes, I am very familiar with Teddy's quoted comments. But, have you read how much he criticized while in his many public offices? A lot.
How's that for a start?
And, by the way Patrick, you might want to notice that Teddy's quote is directed at the strong man who dares greatly, strives valiantly and actually tries to do the deeds. Were Marquis and Bergin actually doing this and failing, the situation would be different. However, Teddy did not say don't critize the man who does nothing and that is what is going on here.
All, "Grace", valid and respectfully submitted points.
Too bad those points and absolutely no disrespect intended, will mean nothing in the "Public Debate" if you are unwilling to stand behind them, under your own, verifiable name, as a concerned member and stakeholder of the community.
Maybe D.A. Marquis and Sheriff Bergin will, themselves, respond to your points but, why should they?
"Grace said...
And, by the way Patrick, you might want to notice that Teddy's quote is directed at the strong man who dares greatly, strives valiantly and actually tries to do the deeds. Were Marquis and Bergin actually doing this and failing, the situation would be different. However, Teddy did not say don't critize the man who does nothing and that is what is going on here."
Fact is "Grace" they are in the arena as is/was Ann Samuelson, Richard Lee, Jeff Hazen, Sam Patrick, Willis Van Dusen and all the rest and deserve a degree of respect because, good or bad, they are/were willing to be there and as to what they do or did is purely of the opinion and truth of the individual judging them but, as always, the true judge will be the facts and history...Right?
Patrick, I think you are right in part. Our two elected law enforcement leaders don't have to respond to questions and there is no reason they should. They cannot respond to statements like mine without seeming silly and, since they are elected for as long as they wish to serve here in Clatsop County, there is no reason why they should expose themselves.
With respect to comparisons to Roosevelt's quote, neither Bergin nor Marquis are in that arena. Read a bit more and you will learn that Teddy believed officials should stick their necks out to do good, not just take the job. Bergin and Marquis, just took the job. You are right, however, that Teddy's quote applies to VanDusen, Samuelson, Lee, Hazen and Patrick. These good people tried to do something and in some cases failed. What, please, have Marquis and Bergin done to earn the respect of failure?
As far as history is concerned: not here. Perhaps in New York, Seattle and so forth politicians create history. Here, they just become names in Cumtux, good or bad.
If that is your "Truth" "Grace" then it is so in your world and so be it.
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