Friday, March 21, 2008

Clatsop Commissioner Jeff Hazen: Simple Frustration Perhaps Or Threat Of Reprisal?

Unpolitically Correct - From "Jeff Hazen Is Commish" Blog

"Being politically correct is a tough job.

In today's society, people seem restricted from truly voicing their opinions in public for fear of reprisal.

Fortunately, with the growth of internet blogs, those that previously felt restricted now feel that they are able to project their opinions anonymously without fear of reprisal.

Elected officials often constrain their words in order to not offend anyone. It is a tough task to accomplish, holding back the words that you know in your heart are true.

At some point, however, the time will come and those words will flow without concern of the backlash that will ensue.

When you are constantly beaten down by a newspaper who's one agenda is to tear down consensus building, it is only a matter of time before the straw breaks the camel's back.

It takes great patience to sit and read or hear people attack your character.

Fortunately, truly good elected officials seem to grow thick skin and are able to repel these attacks. They are actually able to laugh inside at the attempts to discredit or take them down.

But even the thickest of skins can't hold up forever and the time comes to fire back and expose the reality of where these attacks are rooted from.

I thought of this recently upon the discovery of the two cannons from the USS Shark on our beach.

These cannons have been long buried on our coast and it was just a matter of time before they were uncovered from a series of storms.

Political storms also have a way of uncovering things and it is matter of time before the camel's back is broken and the salvo will begin from many different directions."

I asked Mr. Hazen if he wished to clarify his thoughts in more detail and he declined.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a couple of badly chosen metaphors to me.

No doubt the first "salvo" fired from Mr. Hazen and associates clogged, nonfunctioning political cannons will fall with a thud to the barroom floor in front of him and his favorite drinking buddies.

Hopefully their dud metaphoric political cannonballs will not damage the floor of their new favorite hangout, and their beerbelches will not be mistaken for insightful political discourse any more than their blog posts are.

Patrick McGee said...


You mean like: "Political Reprisal" has a "Hair Trigger" and in the wrong hands can, sometimes, inflict more damage on the user than the traget"?