Saturday, August 02, 2008

LNG Debate: Foster Versus Desmond At Portland City Club

Is there a winner?

Download and listen to the Recoreded Debate.

You be the judge.

Click on title above to access the debate.


Peter Huhtala said...

Brent Fpster did have the benefit of substantiation, and even if he'd been up for two nights on a flight from Qatar with "Rock Swings" by Paul Anka on an endless loop, he would have won this debate. Joe Desmond is a sharp pencil to throw at the wall, but his arguments don't stick. Congrats to Joe for finding a job that I seriously doubt anyone could better perform, given that profits for NoStar Exxon are the only rational motivation for this Bradwood idea. As it turned out Mr. Foster was ready to roll. He seized victory on behalf of all Oregonians.

Patrick McGee said...

"Old Joe" was just spouting the same canned "Industry Rhetoric" parroted by all those disillusioned supporters.

The thing I find most amusing is the barrage of those silly "Pro-Bradwood" testimonials being spewed forth on KAST-AM. They do more dmage than NSNG can imagine.

Wonder who the creative genius was on that ad package?

Anonymous said...

A couple of years back Northern Star parted ways with the high-powered PR and lobbying organization The Gallatin Group. Setting aside my personal disagreements with some of Gallatin's clients, they are often very effective. I agree that NoStar's current PR campaign is laughable. (Whoops. What if they read this and take us seriously? ;)

Patrick McGee said...

Take us seriously?

With the full power of FERC, in their minds behind them and abetted by every politician that can see a potential windafll in their pockets, doing their bidding for them I don't think so at the moment but you know, the tide is beginning to turn and they seem to sense it too.