Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Bradwood Testimonials: Swede Nyberg, Community Volunteer Says;

More Bradwood Landing Truth or Hooey!!!

KAST Testimonial Transcripts

“Why do you support Bradwood Landing?

Community volunteer, Swede Nyberg.”

Swede Nyberg;
“Brad wood Landing is probably the best thing that could happen to Clatsop County
on account of the jobs it creates, the wages they pay.
I just love that.”

“Bradwood Landing is good for the economy and good for the Columbia.”


Anonymous said...

LNG will do more for the economy than Patrick McGee ever will.

Patrick McGee said...

Just what is it LNG can do for the economy of Clatsop County "Working Man"?

Patrick McGee said...

Don't have a "Hoot-N-Hell's idea do you....."Working Man"?

Anonymous said...

The question was a comparison between what Bradwood would do and what you do. Bradwood would employ 65 people for the operation of the facility. There is a variety of jobs that smeone can start getting there education this fall at a local community college and go on to trade school or whatever to get the education and training to operate the facility and in 5 to 10 years - could land them a job.

During the construction, there will be a union contractor and union workers involved but certainly some local contractors / non-union would be hired and involved ranging from electrical to site preperation to some of the plumbing, ect. This can amount to maybe a 100 or so local workers or maybe more. Considering maximum crew for construction on such could be over 500 over the construction phase of the project.

What would you do? How many people would you be hiring. What is and would be your contribution that is more then a yacking mouth? This is the key part of the question. What is your contribution or to say the least - what is your mark on society that people will remember you fondly for. So when the inevitable day comes, what will people remember you for and talk about at your memorial service?

This is what you want to make known and clear for people. I know you got some stuff of noteworthiness.

Patrick McGee said...

List the Jobs Balkins.

You see any jobs being offered by Bradwood or anybody else for that site that, as you say, a person can train for until the time comes for them to go to work?

What are they and what are the requisits?