Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oregonian:New I-5 Bridge To Include Wind Generators

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dillon Rivera - The Oregonian
(The Blue Verticals Are The Wind Generators)

Combine river, wind, eco-friendliness and smooth sailing across the Columbia River and what do you have? A new Interstate 5 bridge with wind turbines generating electricity.

You read that right: The latest bridge design features vertically spinning turbines that would generate an unknown amount of juice while proclaiming loudly that the Portland-Vancouver area is the sustainability center of the world......Click On Link Below For Full Story


g said...


too bad they don't sweeten the pot with some river current turbines as well. and some solar panels on the span to boot.

Patrick McGee said...

But what a unique way to incorporate "Vertical Axis Wind Turbines".

Silly idea?

I don't think so.