Friday, May 21, 2010

Applications Filed To Send New Northwest Broadcasters To Receivers!

From: Radio Online

Apps Filed to Send New Northwest to Receiver Davis
Applications have been filed with the FCC to transfer the radio properties of New Northwest Broadcasters to Alan M. Davis' Revitalization Partners as receiver.

Read Full Release


Anonymous said...

So what is going to happen to Kast? Nothing. Maybe they will give "The Guy" a slot to ponder and expound on how his horses are stepping on the hen's eggs-- after Dr Dean. That would bring in the advertising dollars.

Receivership, restructuring. Scary.
People must have to use the computer to get good radio down there. Oh right, you have the Lars.
I read that Jordan Cove is anxious to get the jobs lng will bring and I suggest in the meantime they work for BP on the cleanup (?) crew down south. Soon we will be able to slide down there on the ooze.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of media, I was looking for a great celebration over at Northcoast for the further evolution of the council. They aren't exactly celebrating.
what ever happened to objectivity in journalism? They used to complain about the partiality of the Daily Astorian but I guess they just can't help it. "The guy" has a strange post over at his place. You'd think for a communist-Teabag-libertarian he would have read about the Gulf of Tonkin by now.

Oohh-our poor gulfs.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of screwy websites, there's some dingbat recently arrived from(groan) California who's mission in life is to put some cheeseball photo of something in Astoria on the web everyday-complete with a bunch of erroneous jibberjabber. Get a life, lady. You come off as some outsider obssessed with selling something to people even more clueless than you. Stick to saving the tapirs or whatever phoney baloney tax dodge scam you creeps do

Sad KAST Listener said...

Here's a good one that makes you wonder how a local long-time respected radio network, suddenly goes broke by thinking they can devote10-20 minutes a day of airtime, on one of what used to be a very popular morning talk show, hosted by what used to be a well respected and trusted on-air personality, to a local geek, wannabe, failed politician jeweler to have live discussion on the Jewelry Business?

This, I think, would be a good indicator that something was terribly wrong, not to mention truckloads of dead air time that used to be filled with very good programming.

Sad this guy spends a good part of his career here to be labeled, on the down-slope of it, a sell-out to everything that goes against the basic ethics in broadcasting...Special interest influence.

Patrick McGee said...

Anonymous said...
Speaking of screwy websites, there's some dingbat recently arrived from(groan) California who's mission in life is to put some cheeseball photo of something in Astoria on the web everyday-complete with a bunch of erroneous jibberjabber. Get a life, lady. You come off as some outsider obssessed with selling something to people even more clueless than you. Stick to saving the tapirs or whatever phoney baloney tax dodge scam you creeps do

You mean Astoria, Oregon Daily Photo?

A woman chooses to use her camera to document daily life on the Columbia River and our community and you deem it a "Screwball Website"?

Maybe you would be interested in posting the list of sites you would recommend we frequent.

Visit A.O.D.P. Site

Patrick McGee said...

By the way, "Receivership" doesn't necessarily mean Kast-AM and sister stations locally are going belly-up or NNB for that matter, at the moment.

In all likelyhood it will appear to be business as usual for Tom Freel, colleagues and KAST-AM, however that may be interpreted by their listeners.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would ask ME to do their programming for them.