Thursday, January 27, 2011

Clatsop County Commission: "The Oath" - Why Re-do It?

Like me, I am certain there are many out there puzzled by the "Re-Swearing-In" of the new Clatsop County Commissioners and already a few local blogs are trying to "Knee Jerk" it into something it really isn't, in my view.

In an effort to make sure the information is presented accurately, this is the explanation from County Manager Duane Cole: "The county staff provided the 'oath' that had the word 'appointed' instead of the word 'elected'. The last few times we used the oath, we were swearing in appointed commissioners and not elected commissioners. In discussions with Judge Nelson, he preferred to redo the oaths of office to make sure he was signing what was actually said, however, we have checked with County Counsel and the important part of the oath is the first part about upholding the laws of the State and County. All decisions made by the Board apply and they were duly sworn prior to taking any actions prior to the last meeting."

Big Story? I don't think so.

I credit this new leadership, administered by Mr. Cole, for making sure it was done right


Anonymous said...

if you 'dont think it's a big story', then why do you cut and paste it in to this dumb blog?

this bureaucratic bungling is an omen of more shenanigans to come from these goofballs like Huhtala and Lee

Patrick McGee said...

To make certain the facts are presented "Anonym" and to share that information with whoever may wants to read it.

I've already read two accounts of obvious unclear reporting of this event, even one inserting a new word for the reason for the Re-Swear and the other spouting information it obviously got from that same person.

You "Anonym"?

Anonymous said...

Facts? When have you ever been concerned with presenting "facts"?

Did notice you tried to claim the Astor Column was 100 years old as well as presenting other untrue rubbish until some local straightened you out. Face, your track record for truth is abyssmal.

Patrick McGee said...

Anonymous said...
"Facts? When have you ever been concerned with presenting "facts"?

Did notice you tried to claim the Astor Column was 100 years old as well as presenting other untrue rubbish until some local straightened you out. Face, your track record for truth is abyssmal."

Let's just do what I should have done in the beginning
The History of Astoria Column

Patrick McGee said...

Anonymous said:"Ever wonder what makes these men and women willing to confront the unknown staring them right in the face on days like this, and still go into it anyway?


We do it for the money, McGee. It's called a "job". Something you're, obviously, unfamiliar with."

Well, if by "We" you mean you are among those that provide our tables with the products from the ocean by Commercial Fishing and face the dangers inherent in doing so, I salute you and again admire your courage.You should be very proud of what you do for all of us "Anonym".