Friday, April 01, 2011

From Clatsop County Sheriff's Office;High Angle Rescue Team, Assisted By Cannon Beach Fire Department And USCG Retrieve Stranded Surfers

Friday, April 01, 2011 SEARCH AND RESCUE TEAM RETRIEVES STRANDED SURFER On Wednesday, March 30 at about 11:15 a.m. the Clatsop County High Angle Rescue Team was dispatched to the Indian Beach parking lot at Ecola State Park for a report of two surfers stranded on the rocks to the North of Indian Beach. With the assistance of the Cannon Beach Fire Department and the United States Coast Guard ground Search and Rescue personnel, the High Angle Rescue Team was able to successfully hoist one surfer to safety. A more experienced surfer rescued the second stranded surfer. The two rescued surfers were uninjured and in good spirits. The Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office would like to caution people who are surfing at the Indian Beach area. This area is very technical and novice surfers should use caution and be with an experienced surfer.


Anonymous said...

You didnt write this article. Without citing a source/author you are committing plagarism. Dishonest.

Anonymous said...

The original high angle rescue team was a county wide effort involving the Coast Guard, volunteer officers from Cannon Beach, Seaside, Gearhart and Astoria PDs as well as members of the CCSO. I did not realize it was now totally a Sheriff'f Office function. Too bad the other agencies have stopped participating.

Anonymous said...

I hear that no police department in the county will work with the Sheriff's Office anymore. Too bad and awfully expensive for the taxpayers. I thought we elected a sheriff so he could help and handle cases county wide. Unfortunately, this is what happens when the sheriff spends all his time in Salem and promoting the interests in the Oregon Sheriff's Association instead of attending to business at home.

Anonymous said...

Complete BS.
The Sheriff's Office heads the Drug Task Force and works closely with ALL the other six police agencies.
Bergin is President of the Oregon Sheriffs Association and there is a six-month period when this thing called the legislature is in session.
I guess you don't like the commissioners, the DA OR the Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

The way I hear it is that Bergin runs the drug task force, so they do about two cases a year, and he is President of the OSSA so he spends most of his time in Salem promoting the OSSA with his room and board being paid by Clatsop County taxpayers/ Otherwise, he does nothing but hide from the media. Actually, I respect the commissioners since they do something and the DA since he tries to do something. Bergin does nothing for Clatsop County so how can I respect him?
You disagree? please provide a list of the Bergin 's accomplishments in the last seven years (and I don't mean the things that Bergin has done on the coat tails of the police departments like the citizens police academy and the high angle rescue team, that was actually started by the Cannon Beach Police Chief).

Anonymous said...

Actually, that is not true. The police chiefs realize that Sheriff Bergin does not have the credentials to apply for a police chief position, let alone get one. But, they respect the fact that, for whatever reason, the taxpayers elected him Sheriff. While they will not abide by his somewhat weird ideas, realize the he has to spend a lot of time outside the county politicking for the sheriffs association, and they know that his agency is essentially backward, they do support him in public. Besides, if they don't he will raise the already high fees he charges them for his services.

Anonymous said...

No, I think Bergin has dropped out. He does not attend the PSCC eventhough he is a statutory member, he does not make helpful news releases, he does not make public appearances, he does not participate in DUII enforcement campaigns, he transfers the responsiblity of a major public safety responsibility to the Human Resources Director and he dumps the transition center. He doesn't even go to Rotary any more. What does this guy do anyway (except pick up his $100000 pay check, that is)?

Anonymous said...

Not true. Sheriff Bergin is very promenent in Salem where he spends most of his time representing the Oregon Sheriff's Association. I am certain that the OSSA helps prevent crime in Clatsop County, just not sure how.

Anonymous said...

So that's where Bergin is. He has missed morning coffee so much we don't remembew what he looks like. Maybe he should work for the county for a change?

Anonymous said...

The fact all the other sheriffs in Oregon respect him enough to make him their President means a lot.
The legislature meets 6 months every two years. If Bergin wants to make a difference he needs to be there.
Bergin is a working sheriff.
When Ann Samuelson was issuing news releases when she was County Commissioner, Bergin was up winching people out of the snow and delivering water.
The GOBS - including Forrester - didn't want him as Sheriff and he STILL won every single precinct in the county.
And check out the kinds of cases the drug team makes - OUNCES of meth and heroin - DEALERS of oxycontin. Where's the City of Astoria beyond the good work done by the street officers. Is there no drug problem in Astoria needing a dug detective?
Don't even think of asking the City Council. They're too busy congratulating themselves.

Anonymous said...

Ah come on, the Oregon Sheriff's Association elects one of the 36 sheriffs based on who raises his hand. Indeed, look at the president of the OSSA and you are seeing a sheriff in trouble. The chiefs of police do not "elect" a chief of the year, because all of them do a good job or they get fired.
Competence is not and never has been a criteria for sheriff. The election of a sheriff is pure popularity. Bergin kissed the right behinds and he got elected. That's it.
As for Bergin needing to be in Salem most of the time, please tell me one thing Clatsop County has gained by the loss of our Sheriff to the legislature. Also tell me why Bergin is in Salem when the legislature is not in session.
As for the drug task force, I think you don't know what you are taking about. Every law enforcement agency arrests drug DEALERS as a function of patrol. I certainly hope the drug task force Bergin took over from the other law enforcement agencies in the county is much more active that I read in the media. Otherwise, we pay over $300,000 a year for two busts a year, and even with those, the druggies are back on the street within hours.
If you have different facts I would be happy to see them. No one, including me, wants to think their Sheriff is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Well you obviously don't go to the courthouse and hear the details of the "two" - make that 20+ major drug arrests made.
This hatred against Bergin is nuts.
He is absolutely qualified to be Sheriff. He won in a highly contested election.
Check the minutes of the last PSCC meeting - he was there and presenting and the PSCC - made up of all kinds of people, endorsed the take-over of what used to be the Transition Center.
You do NOT get to be President of OSAA "by raising your hand." It's a highly competitive position and other sheriffs who thought they were "in line" were passed over because Bergin's peers thought he was the best person for the job.
Why do officers leave smaller departments and come work for the Sheriff's Office if it's such a bogus operation? And don't you have some faith in our County Administrator, who for the first time in a long while is a mature professional, not a hack clawing his way up the bureaucratic ladder?