The U.S.S. Ranger Berthed At Hammond?
Smart People!
Obviously wisdom not shared by Port of Astoria and of cousre, many would say no surprise there.
"Our mission is to preserve the Aircraft Carrier USS Ranger as an educational, civic and cultural center in Portland Oregon where she will become the world’s largest floating museum; a must-see tourism destination in the Pacific Northwest. Still serving her country as an emergency communications and disaster response center, she will be the centerpiece of a complex to honor those men and women who have served the cause of freedom in the USA and around the world.
The Foundation's vision is to produce a venue that will honor the history all the ships that bore the name USS Ranger from John Paul Jones’ to the current Super Carrier. In doing so, we will also honor and preserve the memory of all her sister carriers, including those already scrapped or sunk; those targeted for sinking and those nuclear powered ones protecting our freedom on all the seas of the world today.
Indulge yourself and enjoy our website as you learn about the USS Ranger Foundation and the effort that is being done to preserve her memories for generations to come.
Stop by the Ship's Store and browse through our gift shop. You are sure to find something to delight the sailor in your life. Log into the Message Board and join the conversations. Coming soon is our Blog! Above all join us with your support to save our “Top Gun of the Pacific Fleet”."
Here you go, visit the USS Ranger Foundation Site...Click on Link Below!
Again, it's a dumb idea. Attempting to foist the astronomical expense of maintaining an aging rusting white elephant on taxpayers to please a handfull of nostalgiacs is just wrong.
I say we weld all the external openings closed where possible ... turn the tower into a guard/admitting area ... and use it for the county jail. Put security fencing on the flight deck, and use it as an exercise yard.
The Organizing group is simply looking for the best home for the boat that can maximize its potential.
To my knowlege, nobody's asking us for money and to me, that's a plus for it being here.
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