Thursday, November 05, 2009

Susan Trabucco's OP/ED On The Oregon DOJ's Port Of Astoria Investigation

Volume 4: Issue 11 - 11/01/2009
By Susan Trabucco - Coast River Business Journal

Attorney General John Kroger must be older than he looks. Or maybe, under the tutelage of Clatsop County District Attorney Josh Marquis, he’s just a student of early 1970’s political history. Because the recent media assault on former Port of Astoria executive director Peter Gearin and me looks like something straight out of the dirty tricks playbook of old Tricky Dick himself:

Read Full Article

Listen To The Peter Hansen DOJ Interview and Read The, updating, Peter Gearin DOJ Interview Transcript


Anonymous said...

The records disclosed show the DA requested the investigation in 2006 at the request of Port Commissioners.
That was well before any statute of limitations. The AG was doing his job.

Patrick McGee said...

Well, We ALL know that's not going to be a good enough, is it, to some around these parts but, the transcripts are avaialble to all to read, word for word, as to what transpired and I personally didn't read that the Daily Astorian or the Clatsop County District Attorney's Office was implicated in causing any of the events perpetrated on the Citizens of Clatsop County through the conduct of Peter Gearin and Susan Trabucco through The Port of Astoria.

And because the Statute of Limitations has run out makes it all OK?

Our "Port's" future, contingent on the outcome of the litigation it is now facing because of this conduct, is way up in the air and the future of a prime piece of "Our" State Lands, Skipanon peninsula, that could, maybe, be put to better and more productive use, is way up in the air because of it, in my view.

Diane said...

Why is it such strong women that seem to have their shit together, like trabucco, make such stupid choices, especially in the men they get themselves tangled up with?

Anonymous said...

Diane said...
Why is it such strong women ..make such stupid choices, especially in the men they get themselves tangled up with?

When you can't refute the facts in the article, say something snarky about her personal life in an attempt to discredit and deflect, right? Must protect Marquis and Forrester from the people- no matter what, eh?

Anonymous said...

Wow. I just don't get it. What do Marquis and Forrester for Trabucco's own bad and misguided behavior and poor judgment? If she wants to blame anyone, she should look in the mirror. Or maybe at her now-husband.

Is she really that stupid and devoid of conscience that she didn't know that what she did taking that conflict-of-interest PR job for inflated bucks was, at the very miminum, extremely unethical?

The only thing she's pissed off about is that she and Gearin got caught and were exposed. Too bad it wasn't in time to have to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

Trabucco has no-one to be upset about except her hubby.
It is all in his words.
Read them.
Arrogant, rich people who think they own the town.

Anonymous said...

Arrogant, rich people, indeed, you've hit the nail on the head.

And, as I recall, honeybuckets wasn't her hubby at the time. Someone else was.

I suspect nobody twisted her arm to get involved in this corrupt deal, not even her "not then" hubby.

Corruption stinks. I guess it stinks even worse to those who embarrassingly get caught with not just their fingers, but their whole arm, right up to the armpit, in the cookie jar.

Anonymous said...

jesus, you people are truly remarkable. I doubt any of you actually know the people you condemn. Bravo.

Patrick McGee said...

Simple fsct of the matter is, Trabucco and Gearin want their day in court and "The Truth" aired, waive the "Statute of Limitation" and take it to trial to clear their names if they feel unjustly treated but, we know that will not happen don't we because they already have a couple of convenient targets to cast the blame for their own actions on don't they?

Anonymous said...

It is almost funny to read all of the posts here. I only half paid attention to this whole saga and I know Trabucco had the Port job before she became involved with Gearin. They worked together and THEN fall in love...geez so what and you don't know how much a contractor charges. Do you? no Trabucco was charging $25 less an hour than what is the norm in Portland at the time. Check your timelines folks. All of this information is in writing. It is easy for men especially to fall back on ...oh what a slut she slept her way there..ok check her all the good things she did before she got the job at the port. oh...hello she also resigned after she knew she had feelings for Peter and passed the job off to another marketing person.

Anonymous said...

It is almost funny to read all of the posts here. I only half paid attention to this whole saga and I know Trabucco had the Port job before she became involved with Gearin. They worked together and THEN fall in love...geez so what and you don't know how much a contractor charges. Do you? no Trabucco was charging $25 less an hour than what is the norm in Portland at the time. Check your timelines folks. All of this information is in writing. It is easy for men especially to fall back on ...oh what a slut she slept her way there..ok check her all the good things she did before she got the job at the port. oh...hello she also resigned after she knew she had feelings for Peter and passed the job off to another marketing person.