Clatsop County Commissioner Roberts stays in office, says recall attempt has been 'very divisive' - Recall supporters happy to have 'raised awareness' despite failed campaign
By CASSANDRA PROFITA - The Daily Astorian
GEARHART - Patricia Roberts has survived the attempt to recall her from the Clatsop County Board of Commissioners.
Read The Cassandra Profita Report
By CASSANDRA PROFITA - The Daily Astorian
GEARHART - Patricia Roberts has survived the attempt to recall her from the Clatsop County Board of Commissioners.
Read The Cassandra Profita Report
Aug 2, 2008, 8:50am, magee wrote: sorry, Roberts is done and will be served up to defeat by Scheller. It's not me that assures this, it's the general climate around here. "The People" have had enough. Uhhh, how's that big blockbuster of a prediction working out for ya so far, Pilgrim?
That was the election "Anonym" this is now and went as expected to those that needed it to.
She "won" by like 20 votes in that election.
Not exactly a landslide..."Vern"
and she won by 333 in that bogus recall attempt, so how is that working out for you...."Jim"?
A 333 vote margin in a less than 50% voter turn-out?
I don't mean to butt-in but, I am not sure what message is in that one.
You spelled "crowd" in your cartoon, Mr. McGee. What is it with you antis and your lack of practical knowledge-like 4th grade level spelling?
it's not spelled :croud:--man, that really makes you look crude and illiterate when you post that garbage-but I guess crude and illiterate is acceptable ....to you.
Mr. McGee Fan said...
You spelled "crowd" in your cartoon, Mr. McGee. What is it with you antis and your lack of practical knowledge-like 4th grade level spelling?
2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
it's not spelled :croud:--man, that really makes you look crude and illiterate when you post that garbage-but I guess crude and illiterate is acceptable ....to you.
It all stems, likely, from the same propensity you two "Anonyms" demonstrate for your passion for pettiness, inanity and lack of intellect when at a loss for witt.
You think?
I have an exscuse though, I'm cixelsyd and have to purposely observe each letter of every word I splle. Then again sometimes I don't really care as long as it's close.
Guess I should call you Vonda
Well, Vonda Kay, if that's who you are referring to is a bright woman and it sure wouldn't offend me in the least if that's what you need to do "Anonym".
Her only weakness is she thinks she can go to that "Black Hole" called NCO and actually find somebody there that will actually heed what she says with any validity whatsoever.
The answer to the caption:"No, it has just begun!
...heed what she says with any validity
BWAHHAHAHAHAHA!! All she does is make unqualified and dire predictions, ie; ruin the river, shipping traffic and "earthquakes"--the only thing she presents, unintentional as it is, that has any validity is that she is a desperate wingnut looking for someone as out of as she is to co-sign her bullshit-guess she found you, so in that she can claim a modicum of success.
"Anonymous said...
...heed what she says with any validity"
Like I said..."Her only weakness is she thinks she can go to that "Black Hole" called NCO and actually find somebody there that will actually heed what she says with any validity whatsoever."
Speaking of "Wingnuts" how's old Bartoldus/etal coming with that "IRS thingy"?
I'm hearing they laughed it right out of there. Any of that true?
Anyway, Roberts kept her seat on CCBofC, for the moment, along with Hazen with the other 50% of the Lee Commission ousted.
Best of luck to Mushen, Raichl and Rohne.
Mushen, Raichl, Rhone.
If there was ever an opportunity to change the leadership in government towards a new view on economic development and jobs futures for our county and its people, now is the time and the key to it all is where Raichl sits on the fence in the interest of those he serves.
His position on LNG, if you listen to his justifications, is not well thought-out or researched. As a matter of fact his justification is from the same hype we have been listening to since day one.
Mushen has a unique opportunity to set his own position and strength unless he has already sold out.
Rhone is the sell out. He sold out to the out of area ecotard antis-he needs to be RECALLED because he is CORRUPT
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