Thursday, February 28, 2008

Northern Star Letter to F.E.R.C. Clearly speaking For Clatsop County

Stating the applicant, Northern Star, get this, has voluntarily undertaken to work with applicable local authorities to obtain vatious state and local approvals. This would be obviously working with our esteemed and recently notorious Board of County Commissioners?

Yes, those same people, all, seemingly in some turmoil of their own if not collectively, of late, with one even commenting to a local Radio Communicator that our local planning staff had no experience, didn't know what they were doing and allegedly are in a conspiracy against him.

And these people are the same Northern Star Natural Gas/Bradwood landing are going to rely on in their decision to seek all local land use authorizations that would otherwise be required by Clatsop County.

And all holding the Life Quality of at least 33,600 people, for decades to come, in their hands for the sake of, maybe, 60 end jobs and a few unqualified promises and still many unknowns?

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