Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Push Poll - Defined And It's Still Ugly

Wikipedia Defines Push Poll As:

A push poll is a political campaign technique in which an individual or organization attempts to influence or alter the view of respondents under the guise of conducting a poll. In a push poll, large numbers of respondents are contacted, and little or no effort is made to collect and analyze response data. Instead, the push poll is a form of telemarketing-based propaganda and rumor mongering, masquerading as a poll. Push polls are generally viewed as a form of negative campaigning [1]. The term is also sometimes used inaccurately to refer to legitimate polls which test political messages, some of which may be negative. Push polling has been condemned by the American Association of Political Consultants,[citation needed] and is illegal in New Hampshire.


Anonymous said...

The Daily A.'s front page "OPINION HEADLINE" says, Recall organizers cry "foul". I do not believe a single person in the "Foggy" group knows what foul really means.

Is it "foul" to create dirt on an individual, then try to destroy him with those distortions?

Is it "foul" to threaten elected officials that they will be next if they do not do as they are told?

Is it "foul" to attempt to silence those with whom you disagree?

Is it "foul" to abuse a community with a dishonest and expensive recall effort and hope that the truth does not reach them in time to affect the vote?

The answer to all these questions is ABSOLUTELY! If a poll,"push" or not, sheds doubt which leads voters to look beyond the "fog" to the truth, then it is a very good tool!

Anonymous said...

Dirty tricks from the usual suspects. Lying to voters.
The county's own investigation says it all.

Anonymous said...

Despicable. Push polling is in the bottom of the barrel of dirty campaigning. Lee should be recalled for not repudiating this action and asking supporters to stop this immediately, even setting aside the County investigation results. That's giving him the benefit of doubt that he had no prior knowledge of the plan to push poll. If he did know about and sanction this effort, it goes without saying that we really do have an old-time Boss on our hands and we had better send him on his way ASAP.

Patrick McGee said...

"Is it "foul" to abuse a community with a dishonest and expensive recall effort and hope that the truth does not reach them in time to affect the vote?

The answer to all these questions is ABSOLUTELY! If a poll,"push" or not, sheds doubt which leads voters to look beyond the "fog" to the truth, then it is a very good" tool!

So tell us exactly what the truth is here on this issue.

There must be truth in here somewhere

What is it?

Please, inform us would you?