Friday, February 06, 2009

Banished Again From North Coast Oregon

It has become a "Badge of Honor"


Anonymous said...

It may be a "Badge Of Honor" to you, but to everyone who thinks you're a screwball nut it is a "Blessing"

Patrick McGee said...

And you have every right to your view and I could have been stubborn and stood my ground too but, I chose not.

So now, maybe you and ilk may choose to actually have sipirited discussions and debate and strive for answers instead of spewing NCO's main course...Hate mixed with Vitriol.

Maybe NCO will strive to become a legitimate news reporting media source instead of an upscale version of Dried Salmon Matters.

Anonymous said...

NCO is a legitmate news reporting media...and a good one. It's you who is illegitmate as a commenter because of your aversion to the truth

Patrick McGee said...

If you say so and you believe it, it is true "Anonym"

Anonymous said...

You wern't even banned from there, you're just making it up because you're a nut and you think everything is about you

Patrick McGee said...

Anonymous said...
You wern't even banned from there, you're just making it up because you're a nut and you think everything is about you

The word is:ban·ish (bnsh)
tr.v. ban·ished, ban·ish·ing, ban·ish·es

1. To force to leave a country or place by official decree; exile.
2. To drive away; expel: We banished all our doubts and fears.

Be Proud!!

And it was all about me.

Anonymous said...

So, you wern't banned or banished-you're just crying out for attention.

You really need to try to grow up.

Patrick McGee said...

nymous said...
So, you wern't banned or banished-you're just crying out for attention.

You really need to try to grow up.

This is your last post on the issue "tinkerbell" you've made your point.

g said...

i've always lived by two sayings:

ban the ban
don't eat farmed fish

Patrick McGee said...

Sure you ain't taken a crack at my band "g"?

Leaving the "d" off and leaving out parts of "Big Fish Blues Band"?

Yeah, I get your drift, you're suggesting a boycott aren't you?

Smart "A"!!!!

Pretty funny, have a good weekend.

Patrick McGee said...

You do know I'm kidding don't you "g"?

Some people don't find my humor amusing at all.

Anonymous said...

A legitimate news source?

NCO once had that potential.

But it has repeatedly squandered it by allowing CB to pretend to be a journalist and shill for 1) Richard Lee, 2) the gang of four, now gang of three, and 3) most grievously shamlessly promote Bradwood.

NCO is nothing but press releases that are sometimes tweaked but usually ridiculous "stories" like "State Approves 90% of Bradwood Requests."

I have never heard NCO referred to in the community or on the radio as a "news source" and it is barely above DSM, which is typical of mean, vicious, anonymous wesbites for a few bitter hateful people who have no other life or the courage to identify themselves.

g said...

i don't have much but i was born with a sense of humor that causes me to take very little seriously.

i'm on to you patrick.

even my kids think i'm kidding most of the time. they're on to me.

Anonymous said...

"State Approves 90% of Bradwood Requests."

You cant handle the truth, can you.

Patrick McGee said...

g said...
i don't have much but i was born with a sense of humor that causes me to take very little seriously.

i'm on to you patrick.

even my kids think i'm kidding most of the time. they're on to me.

Sometimes it's that sense of humor that gets us through the crap that befalls us all at times of which, most of us create ourselves.

Don't you just hate that bemused look you get from those kids?

Our Olivya is expert at it.

Patrick McGee said...

Anonymous said...
"State Approves 90% of Bradwood Requests."

You cant handle the truth, can you.

Which truth would that be "Anonym"?

Yours or mine?

I really prefer to adhere to the facts.

You have any?

Anonymous said...

You have any?

this one isnt good enough for you?

"State Approves 90% of Bradwood Requests."

Patrick McGee said...

Anonymous said...
You have any?

this one isnt good enough for you?

"State Approves 90% of Bradwood Requests."

I think the key to the success of the LUBA Appeal is the weight, importance, significance of each item.

It's, well, it's like LNG ironically.

85% of the equation, it is safe and won't hurt a soul under most circumstances but, the clincher, the most important part of the equation is when you add 15% oxygen to it as a proven fact.

Then it becomes extremely dangerous but then, in some peoples truth, it will never happen, others try to warn of the risks all face in its path.

Again, choose fact or your vesrsion of your truth.