Saturday, May 29, 2010

Clatsop D.A. Marquis Prosecutes Fourth Randy Guzek Trial!

Fourth Jury Faces Choice: Life or Death for Guzek?
Opening Arguments Heard in Long and Costly Case

By Amy Easley - KTVZ.COM

POSTED: 6:44 pm PDT May 27, 2010

BEND, Ore. -- From the start Monday, jurors were told to be ready. The next three weeks would be difficult, and dark. And at the end, they'd have a tough choice: to either give convicted murderer Randy Lee Guzek a death sentence - his fourth - or life with the possibility of parole, but not for 60 years - of which he's already served 22, which would mean the now 41-year-old would be at least 78 - that is, if parole ever were granted.

.....After years of legal battles and preparation, a jury was seated and heard opening arguments in the case of Guzek, convicted for his role in the brutal shooting and stabbing deaths of a Terrebonne couple, Rod and Lois Houser, way back in 1987. Each death sentence was overturned on what any but legal experts would call technicalities.And again, prosecuting the case as he has all along, is Josh Marquis - now Clatsop County district attorney, then a Deschutes County deputy DA"...

Read And Watch Full Report


Anonymous said...

I suppose Marquis will want more money from Clatsop County taxpayers so he can go sit in Bend and put on a show. Well, he should just go to Bend and stay there and let someone else be DA of Clatsop County

John said...

Does Marquis continue to make mistakes in his prosecution of this case so he can keep his name in front of the public in a sympathetic way? You know what they say, the most dangerous place in Clatsop County is between Marquis and a TV camera.

Voter said...

Maybe you should just read what Jack Roberts said at OregonLive:

"Posted by Jackrobby
May 20, 2010, 9:00PM

By the way, Josh Marquis, who was a deputy DA in Deschutes County before he became DA in Clatsop County, is trying this case--which he has tried and won twice before--because of a promise he made to the victim's family. He is not getting paid for this, simply a minimal per diem which probably doesn't even cover his expenses.

I think the Houser family's gratitude counts for more than cheap shots from the cheap seats.

Anonymous said...

He is not getting paid for this, So, the amount of money he would be paid for being Clatsop County DA during the Bend trial will be withheld from his salary? Good.

budgetwatcher said...

Anonymous said...
He is not getting paid for this, So, the amount of money he would be paid for being Clatsop County DA during the Bend trial will be withheld from his salary? Good.

Sump'n smells like deja vu all over again........budget approval is up to the plate, the DA is away....your name wouldn't be Baakenson would it?



Dick said...

First, not getting paid would be stupid, and Josh is not stupid. The DA that should be prosecuting is certainly getting paid - for doing nothing. Uf that county, which has the choice by the way, wants Josh to prosecute, they should not only pay him, they should pay him as they would a private attorney, and that means millions.
Second, if Josh says he is not getting paid, then he should be forfeiting his salary AND benefits from Clatsop County for the duration of the prep and trial. Do you have any idea what a big deal it is to suspend benefits? It means starting over again with health insurance, PERS, vacation etc because the government can't tell other agencies, hey, we won't be sending you money for this guy for a couple months, but don't make any changes.
So, what is the truth?

Anonymous said...

One Joe Bakkensen is worth more to this county than 1000 Marquis', Huhtalas, or Lees

Anonymous said...

As certain now departed county officials were fond of saying, Marquis works for the State not the county....

John said...

Hey, Roger, Jan and Steve, still think Josh is the end all of DA's and deserves every penny the County pays him even if it takes him millions in taxpayer dollars to get it right? Although you failed to even run for office, let alone get elected, you supported Josh when the Commissioners exercised their right to establish his pay. So, take some responsibility! But, will you? Certainly not, you are still hiding in your closets. Tragic!! And you call yourselves Americans.

Pat said...

So, where are the Marquis supporters? How do they explain this situation where Josh gets his regular pay and benefits while prosecuting a case he screwed up in another county? Let's hear about it Roger, Jan, Steve, Patrick, and, of course, the Loris

Anonymous said...

Marquis doesn't get any "benefits" from the county.
This is what happens in Oregon. One DA helps another. Saves money.
And again, he's doing it because the victims' family and the DA there asked him too.
And it isn't costing Clatsop County a dime, unlike Jeff and Ann's Excellent adventures in DC.