Saturday, February 09, 2008

LNG:Martha Neuringer's Report On LNG Rally In Salem

Martha Neuringer of Washington County sent out this RALLY REPORT - it captures a lot of the energy and momentum we experienced. It was soooo heartening to see so many NO LNGers, including several state legislators in the crowd, the 10 of us from Clatsop County, and about 8 people that I know of from Washington State.Enjoy! (and then come to the state agencies meeting at the Holiday Inn Express on Weds. starting at 4!).....Laurie Caplan

RALLY REPORT: The Capitol steps were filled with at least 300 of us, including buses and vans from Astoria, Coos Bay and Klamath Falls (they had to leave at 7 AM). Five tractors were lined up across the street, plus a trailer with three huge round hay bales wrapped in white plastic with NoLNG signs.

The big highlight was a speech by Sec. of State Bill Bradbury, who made a very powerful statement against LNG, its perpetuation of our dependence on foreign fossil fuel and impact on global warming.

A choice quote: "I do not think Oregon should be the pusher, enabling California's dependence on fossil fuels." Jeff Merkley, US Senate candidate, gave a real stemwinder speech, asking the crowd if the terminals and pipelines would provide any of a long series of benefits for Oregon and getting a loud chorus of NO! after each one.

Steve Novick, also running for US Senate, gave a thoughtful speech about the impacts and dangers of LNG.

A statement was read by an aide for Jon Kroger, candidate for Attorney General. Several other officials spoke, together with several of our fellow activists from Astoria, Coos Bay, California, U. of Oregon, etc.

In a nice touch, a peregrine falcon flew overhead (it has a nest on the Capitol building).

The rally got good press coverage. Nick Christensen did a nice front page headliner story with a big photo of Jeff Merkley speaking and Hillsboro state rep. Chuck Riley listening with his NoLNG button on, in a sea of NoLNG signs.
The Oregonian played up the split between Bradbury and Kulongoski, and quoted Paul Sansone about how we are feeling "railroaded".

There was a long story about the rally on KPTV news Wed. evening, complete with a clip of Bradbury's "pushers" line, video of exploding gas canisters and photos of LNG supertankers.

It ended with the reporter reading a final "here's the other side" canned sentence from Peter Hansen parroting Kulongoski's "bridge" line which gave the impression that "the company made us do this".

I heard that there also was good coverage on Ch. 8 and on KPOJ radio.

A reporter from the AP spoke to several folks at the rally and said he will do a longer background story.

Entertainment was provided by the Raging Grannies, a group of spunky women from Corvallis with feather boas and hats adorned with flowers and NoLNG buttons, who sang a whole bunch of great anti-LNG songs. (They are actually part of an international network of Grannies.)

An equally important part of the event was lobbying before and after the rally. Many of us met with legislators, some of whom were not informed on the issue but got a quick course--and now know that this is a do-or-die issue for many Oregonians.

The Capitol Building hallways were filled all day with antiLNG protesters, easily spotted by our buttons and red armbands, going to and from meetings with Senators and Representatives from many districts.

Betsy Johnson and Debbie Boone held a meeting with about 20 of us in the Capitol cafeteria, and agreed to talk with the Governor's key aides the next day.

Keith even got the cashier in the Capitol cafeteria to wear a NoLNG button.

Our issue is now definitely on the map and in the news! Thanks and congratulations to everyone who came and/or worked on the rally.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have some random photos from the rally (10 - 12) that Ill gladly pass on to anyone who wants them. Simply put "please send Salem rally photos" in the subject line.